This will create more room for other players, and guarantee that only 2 players ever get hit.
All ranged DPS should stack on each other in piles of 2. The lightning will chain between players and the damage will increase as the chain gets larger. An attack similar to that of C'Thun stage 1, but not as frequent. A main tank should taunt him off the off tank.
Off tanks should taunt when Doomwalker comes into their vicinity and drag him back to the center. When this buff is active he will deaggro and charge other players (based on threat). Periodic Buff on Doomwalker which increases his movement speed by 100%. You should bandage once the ability has stopped.
The simplest way to counter-act this ability is to always have health over 8000. It is possible to move out of range once the ability has started, but players may often get stunned and knocked down. Deals a total of 8000 damage (2000 ever 2 seconds). Comment by 9647Here is the complete list of his abilities.